As an accredited facility of the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, Willmar Regional Cancer Center maintains a cancer registry and contributes data to the National Cancer Data Base, a joint program of the Commission on Cancer and the American Cancer Society.
The cancer registry at Rice Memorial Hospital is responsible for the collection, management, and analysis of data on patients diagnosed with cancer and/or treated at the hospital. The cancer registry follows a patient’s disease from diagnosis through end of life, and contributes to an overall understanding of cancer incidence and outcomes.
All Minnesota cancer registries are mandated by Minnesota Statute to forward a detailed record on each case of cancer to the Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System (MCSS). The MCSS systematically collects demographic and diagnostic information on all Minnesota residents with newly-diagnosed cancers.
Confidentiality of patient identification information is strictly maintained. Individuals are not identified by name in any reports from the cancer registry.
For more information or to download our Annual Report, please visit the Publications page of our web site.